Lima's Wardrobe

a Belgium based fashion blog

Lima's Wardrobe Hi lovies! How was your weekend so far? Today I’m showing you one of my new purchases, this beautiful Balmain cape. A versatile garment that can be worn for any occasion and a stylish alternative for a coat

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posted 8 years ago, on

THE CAPE image 1

Hi lovies! How was your weekend so far? Today I’m showing you one of my new purchases, this beautiful Balmain cape. A versatile garment that can be worn for any occasion and a stylish alternative for a coat. You might have noticed that capes have been popping out everywhere since it started to get colder. So when I came across this beauty at Due Aalst I couldn’t resist! I combined it with an ecru velour pants and turtleneck by Pinko. I wore it casually but you can also dress it up with a dress and some killer boots. Nowadays you can find capes in so many styles and prints. At the moment I’m craving a tartan cape to wear with denim. I really hope you like this look. Wishing you a beautiful evening <3

Coucou mes jolies! Aujourd’hui je vous retrouve avec un nouveau look; relativement simple mais ultra classe. Dans ce look tout se joue autour de cette magnifique cape Balmain. J'ai craqué sur celle-ci dans la belle boutique Due Alost. Je la trouve tellement chique et distingué. Du coup j’ai voulu la combiner avec un pantalon écru en velour et un col roulé de la même couleur pour garder la tenue élégante et sobre. Le genre de tenue que ma mère adore et pour laquelle elle me félicite: “Enfin une tenue jolie et stylée” lol :D Mais bon il est bien clair que je compte combiner cette cape aussi avec mes jeans dechirés et des robes un peu plus dévoilantes lol ;) Enfin j’espère que ce look vous plaît et je vous dis à très bientôt!

Ciao ragazze, come state passando il week end? Oggi, voglio mostrarvi uno dei miei ultimi acquisti: questa cappa firmata Balmain. E' un capo versatile che può essere indossato in ogni occasione, ed è una più che valida alternativa al tradizionale cappotto. Da quando ha iniziato a fare un po' più freddo, le cappe hanno fatto la loro comparsa, e appena ho visto questo modello non ho davvero saputo resistere. In queste foto la indosso abbinata a un paio di panatoli chiari e a un dolcevita di Pinko. Come vedete, ho optato per un look casual, ma sta benissimo anche con un bel tubino e un paio di stivali col tacco. Ora mi vorrei togliere un altro piccolo sfizio: una cappa scozzese da abbinare ai jeans. Vi auguro una buona serata. A presto! Lima -x-

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Outfit: PINKO - Cape: BALMAIN - Bag: GUCCI - Heels: SUPERTRASH.

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I'm Lima Ché, a model and blogger from Belgium. This is my fashion diary where I get to share my personal style, inspirations, launches, musthaves, products and event reviews. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions at
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Gravatar Fashionandcash

Reply Fashionandcash on 16 December 2016:

Beautiful outfit, I love this cape...

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